Stomach Ulcers

The ailments pertaining to stomach and alimentary canal are numerous and cover wide range; especially the stomach ulcers, when it becomes chronic, it defies almost every treatment and creates the illusion of Cancerous growth in the stomach and leaving no option for sufferer except undergoing surgery.

There are two types of ulcers that can cause pain and complications if not properly treated. The peptic or gastric ulcer forms in the stomach, and a duodenal ulcer forms in the small intestines near the stomach.

Ulcer is an open wound that develops in the tissue of the digestive tract. A duodenal ulcer is said to be considerably more common than a gastric ulcer. Diagnosis and treatment is essential for prompt healing and also to prevent the ulcer from coming back.

The very common symptoms associated with Ulcers is the burning pain in the area of the lower chest and/or upper abdomen. The pain of an ulcer can last anywhere from thirty minutes to a few hours. Additional symptoms that may be experienced are weight loss, a decrease in appetite, anemia, nausea, and vomiting. There may be times when the pain of an ulcer seems to be gone and then it suddenly returns.

Pain associated with ulcers affect different people in different ways. Some people experience pain immediately after eating, while others may not be bothered for several hours.

Unfortunately in our present day hectic pace of life, having anxiety, stress and consumption of adulterated foods, use of chemicals and pesticides, intake of caffeine, alcohol and smoking, it has become more susceptible to develop a stomach ulcer. People who do not eat regular meals or who are rushed during mealtime are also likely candidates for ulcers.

An ulcer that goes untreated can cause serious consequences. The risks associated with stomach ulcers are grim, bleeding due to a stomach ulcer is rare, but it can be very serious. Severe hemorrhaging can result in shock. An ulcer that bleeds slowly over a period of time, may eventually lead to anemia, weight loss, decrease in appetite, and infection.

A more serious complication of a persistent gastric ulcer is stomach cancer which is generally not recognized at early stages of an ulcer and is overlooked or missed and ultimately leads to the chronic stage of stomach or intestinal cancer.

Howsoever intense, unbearable or seemingly incurable the trouble may be, you can always seek for an Ayurvedic Therapy by Navjivan which is totally based on herbal and mineral treatment and will help in treating you positively.

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