Arthritis, Rheumatism and Diseases of the Joints

Arthritis is an extremely painful disease and one of the most common of all disabling ailments. It cripples an otherwise healthy person and incapacitates the patient from participating in any normal activity of life. When the ravages of the disease reach an advanced stage, the joints give splitting pain simply refuse to move. Even the slightest movement causes untold agony.

The malady manifests itself by mainly causing swelling in the joints, especially knees, ankles, elbows and joints of hands and fingers. Their movement involves an extremely painful effort. In some cases disease is localized in joints and bones of the shoulders and back. Usually the disease becomes more pronounced and tenacious in old age when the body is already enfeebled and less resistant due to the advancement of years. 

It is estimated that ten percent of the population suffers from one of the many forms of arthritis. Arthritis and rheumatism are terms that are used interchangeably by people to describe any abnormal condition of the joints. Many arthritic diseases have been given popular names such as “housemaids knees,” “Baseball finger,” or “weavers bottom”. Physicians will usually prefer to apply the term arthritis to disorders of the joints that are accompanied by inflammation.

There have been more than 75 different diseases of the joints that have been identified. They are classified according to their specific signs, symptoms, and causes. Some of the diseases include: bursitis, gout, and tendonitis. Some of the more major disorders are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are examples of two kinds of arthritic ailments that are really quite different. Rheumatoid arthritis will usually develop from unknown causes. It will most often make its presence known, before the age of 45. It is marked by a nonspecific inflammation of the joints of the extremities. The inflammation will be accompanied by changes in substances found in the blood. A person with rheumatoid arthritis may develop limb deformities within a very short period of time. Osteoarthritis is not likely to show any symptoms until after the age of 45. The cause of this type of arthritis is simply wear and tear on the cartilage cushions of the joints. It will occur mostly in the weight-bearing ones such as the hips and the knees.

Rheumatoid arthritis will occur at a much earlier age than osteoarthritis. It is most common in people between the ages of twenty to thirty-five. Women are three times more likely to fall victim to this type of arthritis than men. Facts show that the disease is not hereditary and that it is more prevalent in cold, damp climates. Rheumatoid arthritis can begin as part of an acute illness, with a high fever and inflammation of the joints. It can also develop with little to no discomfort except for fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, and maybe a mild fever. Later on the person will begin to notice aches and pains in their joints. It is now that they will seek out medical care. Many times deformities will develop before the patient realizes what is happening. The inflammation of a joint that is caused by rheumatoid arthritis can last for weeks or it may even last for years. During inflammation, tendons will become shortened and muscles will loosen their normal balance. The result of this is deformity of the joints. Muscular weakness develops and there is a loss of grip strength in the hands when that area is affected. The person will be unable to make a tight fist.

A common symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is stiffness that develops during periods of rest but will gradually disappear when you resume with activities. After sleeping at night, the stiffness may result from the muscular weakness that comes with the disease.

The effects of rheumatoid arthritis are most often seen in the hands or feet of patients. Other body joints such as the shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles, hips, spine, and jawbone can also be involved. It is quite possible that all of a persons joints could be affected.

A type of arthritis that affects the spine causing a fusion of the joints is known as ankuylosing spondylitis. About 90% of the people are young adult males. Some evidence shows that this could be hereditary.

Like many forms of arthritis, this type can be very deceptive in the beginning. A person may complain of having a backache, usually in the lumbar region. Many patients who suffer from this disease say that they had no pain at first and only felt muscle spasms or tenderness at the lower end of the spine. Then numbness and stiffness spread rapidly over the entire back. 

Western medical science has no effective and lasting remedy so far. It solely depends on pain-killing drugs, steroids, injectibles and external applications of oils and ointments, which either tends to mitigate swelling or give short- lived relief by decreasing the pain and imparting warmth to afflicted area. But in the long run these drugs cause further impairment on patient’s health by damaging the vital organs of the body. 


As you can see, there are many kinds of arthritis that can affect anyone at any time. Many times the disease will be very without symptoms until it too late. Many of the drugs used to treat the disease can have serious side effects.

Treatment & Cure by Navjivan

Compelled to put up with excruciating pain there seemed to be no hope at all for the ailing humanity, until we at Navjivan evolved a herbo-mineral formula which not only eradicates Arthritis, Rheumatism and other diseases of the joints but also invigorates the whole system and sets right acute disorders.

Our Treatment will give you complete recovery from Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout, as well as acute and chronic neuralgic pain in any part of the body. Unlike other products available on shelves in the market, Navjivan’s Treatment uproots the disease from the system completely,as the quantity of the main ingredients is totally determined by patient’s age, weight, duration of the ailment, and any complications from which the patient is suffering.

We propound the complete package of the Treatment on the individual’s needs and requirements, while taking utmost care of every minute detail informed to us by the patient.

Tried over thousands of patients all over the world over the decades, Navjivan’s treatment has seldom failed. It brings about complete recovery along with restoration of normal health and strength.

Navjivan’s Treatment for ARTHRITIS & RHEUMTISM consists of Six Types of Herbal Medicines and Supplements, which will be administerd to the Patient for Six Months. 

We require minimum of six months to eradicate the disease fully, as the Ayurvedic System of Medicine works slowly and deeply on every cell and tissue of the patient’s body, thus providing complete recovery with enhanced immune system without any reactions and side effects like Allopathic/Western Medicines.

The Total cost of the Complete Package, which includes six products manufactured on individual basis for Six Months is 510 US Dollars, which is only 85 Dollars per month for six medicines.

This does not include the Postage and Handling Charges, the full amount has to be paid in advance, as we will ship the whole package at once.




Chronic or seemingly incurable nature defying internal and external treatment. It is always better to nip the enemy at an early stage, before it is deeply entrenched in your system and causes irreparable damage to your health. Therefore do not waver or waste a single moment in indecision.


Bed rest is recommended for severe cases and up to then hours for minor cases of rheumatoid arthritis. An affected person should also take rest periods throughout the day. This will help to cut down on stress and fatigue. Patients who have arthritis tend to avoid moving the joints that are affected by the disease. It is recommended that they do exercise these joints though, as it will help prevent the adjoining muscles from shrinking and weakening. A program of physiotherapy and hot packs can be very helpful to some patients.

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