Our History

Navjivan Group was founded and established by Maharishi Dr. Amarnath Sood in year 1923. He performed the role of Saint, Scientist and Scholar, Maharishi Dr. Amarnath who founded Navjivan in early twenties did unremitting research over the years into the platitudinous past of Ayurved. By collecting bits of knowledge about it from diverse sources , he gradually perfected it into a unique and infallible healing power , thus raising it to the status of a dynamic and powerful science. During his life Maharishi Dr.Amar Nath Sood gathered knowledge to systematize herbs and plants. He mastered the art of transforming normal plants into life saving drugs and even demonstrated immense utility of the minerals in arresting malignant diseases. Some unknown and untouched herbs , minerals and wild plants in deep tropical forests of India were proved by him as virtual saviours of human lives. His approach to every Human disease differed from the technical methods of Western Medical Science. A man of great learning and knowledge, Maharishi Amar Nath mastered Sanskrit to study the ancient Ayurvedic Scriptures in their original form instead of depending on translated versions. Having learnt Sanskrit , he could satisfy his consuming thirst for knowledge by studying the medical literature of ancient
civilisation in its original scripts. During the late sixties , our production covered a wide spectrum of ailments and we also developed
the expertise in preparing special medicines by applying Ayurvedic Therapy on individual basis according to the history of the case and acuteness of the trouble. The production of patent medicines continued side by side , which were marketed in India and abroad. However , greater emphasis was laid on treating the patients than to mass production. Maharishi Dr. Amarnath Sood gave more than fifty years of his life making experiments with countless herbs, plants and minerals and study of Ancient Scriptures based on Ayurveda before he perfected in the science of healing mankind. The torch which Maharishi Dr. Amarnath lit in 1923 by starting Pharmacy under the auspices of Navjivan Group was carried aloft by his eldest Son Paramjit Kumar after the demise of Maharishi Dr. Amarnath Sood.
Paramjit Kumar who was at the helm of mission to heal humanity, was an unusual personality, an impressive orator, historian and a skilled Physician in the Indian System of Medicine, he started giving more importance to individual treatment by determining the composition of medicines according to age, height, weight and sex of the patients.

During subsequent years, Paramjit Kumar was prompted to establish a new wing by the name of NAVJIVAN HEALTH SERVICE in year 1983. The main function of this wing was to diagnose ailments and administer treatment to the patients all over the world through a panel of highly qualified Physicians. From1983 until his death, he altered the method of treatment on different lines. Instead of producing medicines on mass scale, he adopted the policy of preparing medicines for every patient on individual basis. This enabled him to change the composition of the medicines and their dosage according to the statistics and intensity of the trouble. Paramjit Kumar dedicated 25 years of his life to heal humanity, his main aim was to reach every ailing human on this planet and spread the miracles of Ayurveda by eradicating diseases and bestowing the true essence of healthy mind, body and soul. During the early nineties and until his death in year 1999, he laid more stress on preparing the medicines on individual basis. After the death of Paramjit Kumar, all the wings of Navjivan Group function under the same management and are controlled by Dr. Monica B. Sood, who is the only daughter and sole successor of Late Paramjit Kumar.

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